LOTS & LOTS & LOTS of pictures for this post, but you deserve one for my prolonged absence, correct me if I'm wrong. Not going to lie I am quite ashamed of myself for not posting in what seems like forever. As much as I want you to think my life has been glamorous and I've been too busy to post, it's quite the opposite. Most of my time has been consumed on Netflix watching Gossip Girl. Yes, I have a job and work which I can maybe use as an excuse for not posting but I rarely work so what's stopping me? It's summer so I also can't use school as an excuse. Surprisingly I do have a social life that has been holding me back from my blog but the real reason I have been so M.I.A. is because I'm just downright lazy. I hate to admit it, but it's completely true. I'm very happy to be back on the blog and post again, especially because this outfit is a MUST SHARE! It's summer in Minnesota, and it gets quite hot here (I'm not lying, we don't live in a polar vortex year-round). Today it was quite cold outside, especially for July. There was definitely a chill in the air. It felt like spring outside but reminded me of fall, which I was oddly excited about when I woke up this morning. I don't want it to be fall yet, it's not even halfway through the summer, but there is one this I love about the chill in the air. It means...SWEATERS! Oversized sweaters are an essential for every season, at least I think so but I'm no Lauren Conrad. I have been waiting for just the right day to wear my favorite oversized sweater and what better way to pair it with over-the-knee socks? Don't worry, I am wearing shorts because I'm never in the mood to flash anyone, especially with the crazy wind today. I think the baggy sweater keeps you super comfy and cozy but the socks give off a sexy and fun vibe to the outfit. My favorite part, of course, is the heels. I've finally accepted my addiction to shoes. These heels match my sweater perfectly and I do have an obsession with knee-highs, or any tall socks for that matter, with heels. These close-toe cream heels give the outfit just enough class to make it look chic (and to not look like you're wearing your PJ's!) The outfit was extremely affordable, so obviously I was all over it. This is definitely one of my favorite outfits and I hope you enjoy wearing it as much as I do.
Sweater: Good Will
Shorts: Garage
Socks: Target
Shoes: H&M